Improve lives, donate to
Mercy Ships today.

Mercy Ships depends on your collaboration to improve the quality of life of a multitude of men, women and children in need.


Improve lives, donate to
Mercy Ships today.

Mercy Ships depends on your collaboration to improve the quality of life of a multitude of men, women and children in need.

Complete this form. Help us today!

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Minimum donation of €5
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DNI/NIE/CIF or passport number
The personal data provided in this form will be used by the foundation and its suppliers to process your request, inform about the current state of our work, request collaboration and to educate about the situation of people in need. For more information, click the link at the bottom of the page "Privacy and Cookies Policy".
Any donation can impact the lives of people in need in developing countries. Our goal is to be the face of love in action, bringing health and a future to these people in need. This vision requires sacrifice on the part of volunteers and collaborators.

In light of the world’s desperate need, could we aspire to less? Could you be a part of meeting the urgent needs of our world?
You can deduct 80% of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) for the first €150 donated
You can deduct 35% of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) for the first €150 donated
You can deduct 35% of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) for the first €150 donated.

Support a Volunteer

Our crew members are volunteers who sacrifice from a few weeks to a lifetime to help people in need in developing countries.

They receive no salary and depend on the generosity of others to cover their expenses. If you are interested in financially supporting a volunteer crew member or an entire family, please contact us

para Transferencia

Cuenta Bancaria
2100 3109 66 2200234545

ES09 2100 3109 6622 0023 4545